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Hawgood Family

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As we saw in the introduction on the DNA home page, the Hawgood family comes from the wide grouping of Haplotype I1, and can be narrowed down to subgroup M-253 approximately 8,000 years ago. Within subgroups, there are further subgroups, and certain markers allow us to further narrow down Hawgood DNA to a specific subset of M-253.

The values of DYS607=13, DYS460=11, which Hawgoods have, in particular denote the following type of Haplogroup I1-AngloSaxon-1313 or I-M253-AS1313 which is now known as S2268 in the new nomenclature.

Through SNP testing, FTDNA have assessed the Hawgood haplotype as S2273, which contains S2268 as one the key SNPs that make up S2273. FTDNA do not specify S2268 as a specific Haplotype, however, YFULL do as they have a different convention. It is a pity that testing companies do not have consistent approaches to this.

In between M253 and S2273 are a number of steps and the full path from M253 of around 8,000 years ago, to S2268 is as follows :

M253 - DF29 - Z58 - Z138 - S2293 - Z2541 - S2268 - S2273

Variants to S2268

We can see from Hawgood DNA that there have been some specific mutations that differ from S2268, as follows :

                     Hawgood DNA            S2268/AS1313

DYS 19                 15                             14

DYS 389i&ii          13,30                       12,29

DYS 449               29                             28

DYS446                12                             13

All the above mutations occurred prior to 1500. At this stage we do not know when this happened, but it is likely to be back to 1000AD or earlier.

Further, some values are themselves quite uncommon. The value at DYS 607 is found only in 7% of the ‘I’ type population, DYS389ii at 3%, and DYS 446 at 6%. The values at GATAA4 and GATAH4 are found in only around 11-12% of the population. Finding matches that are close in other surnames would therefore be quite significant.

More on the Hawgood Haplotype